The Department of Commerce came into existence in 1976. To cater to the increasing demand for B.Com course an additional section was started in the year 1984. To create more employability B.Com vocational course in Advertising & Salesmanship sponsored by UGC was conducted from 1999 to 2007. The Department has been upgraded into a research department in 2012 with the starting of M.Phil & Ph.D course in Commerce.
A. UG – B.Com
B. M.Phil in Commerce – Full time
C. Ph.D in Commerce – both Full time and Part time
Research Department of Commerce has 10 M.Phil Research Guides and 2 PhD Research Supervisors recognized by University of Madras. There are 2 full time and 5 part time PhD Research Scholars & 7 Full time students doing M.Phil course. 11 students have been awarded PhD, 2 of them have submitted their Thesis and 2 of them have submitted synopsis.
Thrust areas of research
- Marketing
- Human Resource Management
- Entrepreneurship
- Banking and Finance
Certificate Courses Offered
- Career oriented Programme an Add on Certificate course in Women Entrepreneurship sponsored by UGC and approved by University of Madras was started in 2013 in order to make our students self support and self reliant. Artificial jewellery making, flower bouquets making, oil painting, embossed painting, glass painting, fabric painting, tailoring and embroidery, food processing etc are taught by experts with enough practical sessions to attain perfection.
- All First year Commerce Students are doing Business Accounting Process (BAP) Executive course online course given free of charge given by our College Management conducted by Arthavidya partnered with NSDC & e-palmleaf ITES Pvt Ltd. BAP Executive + online Course is done in the II year and BAP Smart Pro in the III year.
- Indirect Taxation and e-filing courses was conducted by INTELLI Expert Management solutions in 2016 and students are helping staff and students to get PAN card as a part of Consultancy Services.
- The Department in collaboration with International Chamber of Indirect Tax Professionals started a GST Certificate Course in India to promote “Industry Integrated Learning” and enable the students to obtain better practical knowledge and hands-on experience in the field of Commerce and our College was the first College in India to start the course
- Our College in collaboration with Tata Consultancy Services launched Certificate Courses on 28th July 2017 in Banking for Business Process Services for III year students and a Diploma Course Market Research & Retail CPG( Customer Product Group) for II year students to benefit the student community attain mainstream careers.
The Departmental Association provides a platform for healthy and intellectual interaction outside the walls of the classroom through various inter-Collegiate and Intra-Mural Competitions. Association activities aim to activate the students towards academic and non-academic excellence through various events.
During VAISH COMFEST the annual commerce extravaganza various inter-class and Inter-collegiate competitions like Treasure Hunt, Egg Head Economists, Best Deal, Business Quiz, Business Debate, Dumb Charades, Product Packaging, Logo designing and Adzap are conducted. Students from nearly 30 colleges were participate and get prizes. Our students participate in various intercollegiate competitions conducted by other colleges and win many prizes.
Our College is the only College to have all the three study centres accredited by Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, Institute of Cost Accountants of India and Institute of Company Secretaries of India to conduct Foundation and Intermediate courses for which Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) has been signed by our College with Institute of Cost Accountants of India in 2015, with Institute of Company Secretaries of India on 9th June 2016 which was renewed again on 8th June 2018 and Institute of Chartered Accountants of India on 12th January 2017 and which was renewed again on 12th March 2018.
Career Awareness program for ACS course, CA course & CMA course are conducted jointly with SIRC of the 3 institutes. The Department organizes investor awareness program every year in collaboration with SIRC-ICSI and Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Govt. of India.
The Department was instrumental in our College signing a Memorandum of Understanding with Andhra Chamber of Commerce on 22nd September 2015.
In 2016 the department was instrumental in our College signing Memorundum of Understanding with Entrepreneurship development institute of TamilNadu to empower the Entrepreneurship skill among our students.
Our college is collaborating with Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) in the Academic Interface Program (AIP) – an initiative of TCS in offering employment oriented education to the students which will strengthen the Industry-Institute relationship and is focused on “Campus to Corporate Transition”, by grooming the students for the corporate world by signing a Memorandum of Understanding on 27th April 2017 .

The Department was instrumental in our College signing a Memorandum of Understanding with International Chamber of Indirect Tax Professionals on 24th October 2017 to promote “Industry Integrated Learning”
The Department was instrumental in our College signing a Memorandum of Understanding with Exim Academy on 29th January 2019
National Seminars, FDPs and Workshops Organized by the Department
A. National Seminars organized
The Research Department of Commerce and Andhra Chamber of Commerce jointly organised a UGC sponsored seminar in “Women Entrepreneurship” on 25th November 2016.
The Research Department of Commerce and Andhra Chamber of Commerce jointly organised National Seminar on Logistics Management on 27th January 2016, National Seminar on Digital Marketing on 6th March 2018, National Seminar on Emerging trends in Insurance sector on 6th March 2019.
B. Faculty Development Programs
- On 22nd and 23rd October 2019 a Faculty Development Program on International Financial Reporting Standards(IFRS) was organized in collabration with Amity Global Business School, Chennai.
On 24th October 2019 a Faculty Development Program on Drafting of Audit Report as per CARO Guidelines was organized.
On 11th December 2019 a Faculty Development Program o Latest Amendments in Companies Act 2013 was organized in collaboration with University of Madras.
- On 22nd October 2018 a Faculty Development Program in Latest Amendments in Companies Act 2013 was organized.
- On 24th October 2018 a Faculty Development Program in Accounting Standards was organized Accounting Standards.
- On 25th October 2018 a Faculty Development Program in SPSS for Research in Commerce was organized.
- On 26th October 2018 a Faculty Development Program in MS Access was organized , MS Access for Research in Commerce are organized by the Department to help faculty to update themselves in latest developments in Commerce.
Workshop Organized
- On 11th October a workshop on Tax Planning for Individuals was organized.
Other Information
- Eminent professionals from diverse areas of Commerce deliver guest lectures to students in latest trends in Commerce.
- An annual exhibition Vaishnav Bazaar is organized to tap the entrepreneurship traits is held where articles prepared by the students are exhibited in order to display the talents of the students and test their entrepreneurial ability.
- Free newspapers are given to Commerce students.
- Globally renowned corporate organizations like CTS, Dell, TCS, Accenture, Cap Gemini, E &Y, Maverick etc., visit our campus to recruit and Commerce students get multiple offers and those who register in Placement cell get 100% placement.
Publication Details:
- Dr.R.SAVITHRI : https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=euSTdioAAAAJ&hl=en
- Dr.A.C.RANGANAYAKI: https://scholar.google.com/citationsuser=eRzHcrIAAAAJ&hl=en
- Dr.A.ROHINI PRIYA: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=9HktKD4AAAAJ&hl=en
- Mrs.G.TAMILSELVI: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=IB8STLgAAAAJ&hl=en
Dr.R. Savithri(Retired)
Associate Professor & Head
Specialization: Banking, HR & Marketing
Experience: 34 years
Associate Professor
Specialization: Marketing
Experience: 29years
Dr.A Rohini priya
Associate Professor
Specialization: Human Resource Management
Experience: 20years
Assistant Professor
Specialization: Human Resource Management
Experience: 19 years