
Explore and implement innovative technologies and services to deliver information and scholarly resources conveniently to users.


To promote intellectual growth and creativity by developing collections, facilitating access to information resources, teaching the effective use of information resources and critical evaluation skills and offering research assistance.

About the Library

Our college has an excellent Library functioning in the Golden Jubilee Block 1st Floor of about 10,000 Square feet area with beautiful ambience. Library is equipped with a good collection of books apart from journals, periodicals, research theses, reports and online resources enabling the Student’s quest to update their day-to-day Knowledge. It offers Information services to its Faculty members, Research Scholars and Students for their academic requirements. Users can access information on their desktops through web OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue). We have organized workshops, webinars and FDP with experts from various institutions like Anna University, IIM Trichy, Goa University, Scientist from ISRO, MSSW, Rapid radio solutions, Linuxpert system etc. and also conducted book fairs with reputed publishers like Tamilnadu book house, New century Book house, TBH, Scitech, Shanti books, T.R Publications,S.Chand & Co., Asian Book Centre,RRM books, Margham publications etc.

Facilities in the Library

Facilities in the Library

  • Library is automated by Koha Software.
  • RFID enabled Library.
  • E-Gate entry is available for in and out.
  • KIOSK Circulation is also available.
  • Hand held reader is available to search the books
  • Remote access to E-resources is also available.
  • A Separate Air Conditioned Digital Lab with research cubicles contains over 48 Computer Systems especially for the use of Research Scholars.
  • A spacious Reading hall is available inside the Library with the seating capacity of 150 with 51 systems to access e resources.
  • Glass walls in the reading hall bring the outdoor in.
  • Digital Display is also available.
  • Tabs and mobile phones are available for the use of staff and students.
  • 17 CCTV cameras have been installed and functioning in the Library Floor.
E Resources in the Library

E Resources  in the Library




  •           e-Shodh Sindhu consortium with access to 6,000+ ejournals, 1,99,500+ ebooks.

    • National Digital Library of India – NDL

                      6,00,000 ebooks through NDL.


E – Journals

American Institute of Physics [18 titles]
Annual Reviews [33 titles]
Economic and Political Weekly (EPW) [1 title]
Indian Journals [180+ titles]
Institute of Physics [46 titles]
JSTOR [2500+ titles]
Oxford University Press [262 titles]
Royal Society of Chemistry [29 titles]
H. W. Wilson [3000+ titles]
Cambridge University Press [224 titles] (2010-2016)

E – Books

Cambridge Books Online [1800 titles]
E-brary [185000+ titles]
EBSCoHost-Net Library [936 titles]
Hindustan Book Agency [65+ titles]
Institute of South East Asian Studies(ISEAS) Books [382+ titles]
Oxford Scholarship [1402+ titles]
Springer eBooks [2300 titles]
Sage Publication eBooks [1000 titles]
Taylor Francis eBooks [1800 titles]
Myilibrary-McGraw Hill [1124 titles]
South Asia Archive [through NDL]
World e-Books Library [Now Available through NDL only]

SHIBBOLETH based ACCESS, Please re-enter your same userid and Password for below resources.

Rules and Regulations

Rules and Regulations

1.It is obligatory that all Staff and Students of the College to be members of the Library.

2.Library will remain open on all working days from to 6.30pm. & closed on Sundays and Government holidays

3.At the time of entering the library, all personal belongings are to be kept at the prescribed counter, and must be taken back when the user leaves the library. The library will not be liable for any loss/damage caused to the belongings kept in the prescribed counter.

4.Show your ID card on the reader while entering the Library and it is compulsory for all the members to avail the library facilities.

5.Books borrowed shall be returned or renewed on or before the due date.

6.Photocopy of library books and journals may only be carried out within the copyright regulations.

7.In case of loss of Library book, the same or the latest edition of the lost book is to be replaced to the library.

8.Books issue will be stopped at the end of the month of February due to stock checking

9.Students or Staff who leave the college for any reason in the middle of the term should return the books before they leave the college.

10.Students or Staff who leave the college for any reason in the middle of the term should return the books before they leave the college.

11.Reference books can be used within the library only.

12.Use of Internet is allowed for educational/academic purpose with the permission of the Librarian. The students are not allowed to use any social networking sites, playing games, etc.

13.All the members are invited to make use of the resources available in the Library.

S.No. Category No. Of Books Loan Period
1. Faculty 10 End of the semester
2. Research Scholars 5 1 month
3. PG Students 5 1 month
4. UG Students 2 14 days
5. Non teaching staff 3 1 month
Faculty Directory


Librarian – Aided
Dr. R. Kavitha
MLIS, M.Phil., Ph.D

Libarary Assistant – SFS(Shift 1)
Ms. Lalitha .K

Libarary Assistant – SFS(Shift 2)
Ms. M.R. Shashikala

Technical Assistant – SFS(Shift 2)
C. Uma Mageshwari

Technical Assistant – SFS(Shift 2)
A. Sonamaslin Mary

E-Resources Trainer – SFS(Shift 2)

E-Resources Trainer – SFS(Shift 1)

Library Manual