Students can use the Complaints / Suggestion box  placed in the campus to express their genuine suggestions and grievances. They can also contact  their department staff members who will help them to resolve the issue. Students can also send an email to to express their grievance.

To view : UGC Guidelines for Grievance Redressal

The Members of the Grievance Redressal Cell are


S.No Name                  Designation Committee Members Mobile
1 Dr.R.Radha Principal-in-charge Chairman 9940094124
2 Dr. R. Vijaya Department of Maths Associate Professor 9840971992
3 Dr.S.Suganthi Department of Economics  Associate Professor 9941385615
4 Dr.A.Rajeswari Department of Physics  Associate Professor 9445703907
5 S/Lt Dr.K.Kanthimathi Department of English Associate Professor 9841112752
6 S.Sridhar College Superintendent Member  9444542786
7 Dr.D.K.Hari  Outside expert Founder-Bharat Gyan 9841034055
                                        Student’s Union President (Aided) 


S.No Name                  Designation Committee Members Mobile
1 Dr.M.S.Vijaya Director Member  9442566462
3 Dr. R. Subhasri Department of PA Co-Convenor  9884450272
5 Dr. C. Victoria Priscilla Vice Principal (SFS) Member  9841804569
6 Dr.K.Rekha Lakshmi Department of Mathematics Co-Convenor  9698355667
7 Dr.K.S.Beena Assistant Professor Member  9941513473
8 Dr.K.PriyaBhanthavi Department of Mathematics Member  9952080171
9 Mrs.C.Vijayalakshmi Chief Finance Officer Member  9176680902
9 Dr.D.K.Hema Hari Bharat Gyan, Outside expert Founder 9841078461
10                                       Student’s Union President (SFS) 

For Online Grievance Submission

2022 – 23

2023 – 24